1、想得到快乐,就别让自己过得无精打采。 If you want to be happy, don't let yourself be listless.
2、快乐使人身体无病,心灵无疾。 Happiness makes the body sick and the mind sick.
3、快乐,是人生中最伟大的事! Happiness is the greatest thing in life!
4、觉得自己不快活的人是不会快活的。 People who think they are not happy will not be happy.
5、他说不清楚,只知自己是一只快乐的鸟儿! He can't say clearly, but he knows he's a happy bird!
6、愉快的笑声,是精神健康的可靠标志。 Happy laughter is a reliable sign of mental health.
7、一阵醉人的快乐浸透了她的心! A burst of intoxicating joy soaked her heart!
8、最好的脸部保养品,就是微笑与善念。 The best facial care products are smiles and good thoughts.
9、夜秘密的把花开放了,却让白日去领受谢词。 The night opens the flowers secretly, but the day receives thanks.
10、同学们欣喜若狂,全都兴高采烈地欢呼起来。 The students were overjoyed and all cheered with joy.
11、心情太激动了,简直无法比喻了。 The mood was so exciting that it was impossible to compare.
12、所谓快乐,是指身体的无痛苦和灵魂的无纷扰。 Happiness refers to the absence of pain in the body and disturbance in the soul.
13、喜悦涌进了她的心中,心仿佛荡漾在春水里。 Joy poured into her heart, which seemed to ripple in the spring water.
14、他高兴地笑了,露出了一排洁白整齐的牙齿。 He smiled happily, showing a row of white and neat teeth.
15、不懂得快乐之道,烦恼便永远跟随你。 If you don't know the way to happiness, trouble will always follow you.
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