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The winner is you !下面是小编为大家整理的运动会英语加油口号,希望大家喜欢。

1、Cheer up!加油啊!\别灰心!

2、Keep trying!继续努力!

3、Come on!加油啊!

4、Go !Go! Go!加油!加油!

5、come on ,baby !

6、we will never give up ,to be NO.1

7、We will, we will rock you 。

8、If I can't,I must do it!

9、If I must do it,I can do it!

10、Let's do sunshine sports .让我们做阳光运动

11、Let's enjoy the sunshine!让我们享受阳光。

12、We are the best!We are the wonder!

13、You are my super star.

14、go go go class4. to be No1 forever.

15、Forwarding for our bright future!

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